Studi Perbandingan Biaya Dan Waktu Pelaksanaan Perancah Kayu (Konvensional) Dan Perancah Besi (Scaffolding) Pada Gedung Promosi Dan Museum Tapanuli Selatan

  • Muhammad Rahman Rambe unversitas graha nusantara
  • Rizky Febriani Pohan Unversitas Graha Nusantara
  • Wirna Arifitriana Unversitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Keywords: cost, wood, scaffolding, scaffolding, time


In construction work, most contractors need to think about scaffolding becausethis component is used from the beginning to the end of the project where thescaffolding functions to prevent concrete from bending. In South Tapanuli Regencyitself, wood has long been used as a basic material for scaffolding construction, butalong with the development of the times, knowledge about strength and humanconcern for the environment, people prefer iron scaffolding because it is consideredsafer and easier to obtain. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount ofcost and duration of work in the construction of the South Tapanuli Promotion and Museum Building using wooden scaffolding and iron scaffolding. In addition, thisstudy also aims to determine the comparison of costs and time for the construction ofthe South Tapanuli Promotion and Museum Building using wooden scaffolding andiron scaffolding. The method used in this study is the comparative descriptive analysismethod. The results of the study showed that the cost of wooden scaffolding(conventional) was Rp. 302,185,516.00 while the cost for iron scaffolding was Rp.166,814,308.00. The implementation time for wooden scaffolding work(conventional) is needed for 49 days, while the implementation time for ironscaffolding is 10 days with the number of workers between the two being the same, 10people. The cost difference between wooden scaffolding (conventional) and ironscaffolding is Rp. 135,371,208.00. And the difference in implementation time betweenwooden scaffolding (conventional) and iron scaffolding is 39 days, where the worktime for wooden scaffolding (conventional) and iron scaffolding is calculated usingthe AHSP coefficient of work time per m3 with OH units.
