Penggunaan Polyacrylamide Terintegrasi Kompos Pelepah Salak Terhadap sifat Fisika Tanah Sebagai Penahan Erosi Lereng
Salak plants are superior plants in the Padangsidimpuan and South Tapanuli regions.Sidimpuan salak plants have different morphology from salak plants from areas outside Padangsidimpuan. The sturdy stem and wider fronds can prevent rainfall to the surface of the soil so that this plant can withstand erosion and act as a conservation plant. Research on the integrated use of salak frond compost aims to test erosion on slopes and determine the effect on several soil properties on salak land. The method used is an experiment using a factorial Randomized Block Design with 2 treatment factors and 3 replications, there are 12 treatment combinations and 36 experimental units. Factor 1: Polyacrylamide Dose. M0 = Control, M1 = 30 g / plant, M2 = 60 g / plant, M3 = 90 g / plant. Factor 2: Salak Sidimpuan leaf stalk compost, K0 = compost of chopped salak leaf stalks (control) K1 = compost of chopped salak leaf stalks + cow manure, K2 = compost of chopped salak leaf stalks + cow manure + polyacrylamide. The erosion rate was calculated using the USLE method. The results showed that the effect of using Polyacrylamide and salak frond compost had a significant effect on soil BV (gcm-3), Soil Water Content (%), sand (%), dust (%), and the lowest erosion was 6.8 tons/ha/yr, namely in the combination of M3K2 treatments (Polyacrylamide 90 g Compost frond + manure + PAM). Thus the erosion rate is lower than the erosion tolerance