Digital Parenting

  • Nurbaya Harianja Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Socialization, Digital Parenting, Handphone


In the current digital era, almost all affairs cannot be separated from the role of technology and information so that a high role of parents is needed to always supervise children in the use of cellphones. This is done in order to prevent the negative impact caused by today's technological developments. In increasing parental awareness of these negative impacts, the community service team carried out socialization with the main target being parents who have junior high school children in the Padangmatinggi Village environment. The reason for choosing the target is because the junior high school age is an age that is very vulnerable to technological developments and is more easily influenced by social media. The socialization carried out was about digital parenting by conducting discussions and direct practice in using mobile phones. From the results of the socialization, it was found that parental assistance to children in the use of cellphones was still very minimal. Children tend to be freed from using cellphones for a long time so that children forget the time to study and help their parents at home. Through this community service, parents are greatly helped by this socialization because it increases parents' understanding of the negative impacts caused by excessive use of cellphones. Parents are increasingly motivated to learn to use mobile phones, use social media, and are able to provide education to their respective children


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