potensi ekonomi desa

  • aulia hapsari juwita universitas sebelas maret
  • vita kartika sari
  • dwi prasetyani
  • guntur riyanto
  • ahmad daerobi
Keywords: Village-Owned Enterprises, Institution, Village Generated Revenue, Economic Growth


In the autonomy era, villages have the opportunity to optimize their potential better. Through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), the diversity of economic played an important role to the social and the distribution of income and village welfare.  Village as the smallest life of the society in Indonesia should be the element of the national economic growth. Gagaksipat Village, in District Ngemplak, Boyolali has enormous potential and can be explored to improve village welfare, and a more even distribution of income for the welfare of village communities. BUMDes establishment assistance has advantages in the field of small and medium enterprises, especially the creative economy and social capital. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen BUMDES and government relations, communication and outreach to the community, and professionalism in managing BUMDes.


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