The purpose of this study is to find out how the regional development strategy of Mandailing Natal Regency is. This research is quantitative descriptive using secondary. The population and sample of this research are data from the Regional Development Planning Agency of Mandailing Natal Regency and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Mandailing Natal Regency. there are data collection techniques used, namely statistical and observational data. The data analysis method used is SWOT analysis.The sectors that became the basis sectors in Mandailing Natal Regency in the 2015-2019 period were the agricultural sector, hotel and restaurant trade, transportation and communication. Sectors this basis the potential to export commodities produced outside the region and are considered to have the value of the contribution in comparison antar wilayah dan merupakan sektor that sangat berperan dalam perekonomian lokal serta layak untuk terus dikembangkan. Secara umum keberadaan dan kelengkapan sarana prasarana pembangunan at Christmas wilayahKabupatenMandailing relatifmemadai, tetapi masih terakumulasi-daerah perkotaan sehingga daerah sentra produksi pertanian area that umumnya berada in pedesaan cenderung mengalami kesulitan dalam memperoleh pelayanan dari fasilitas-fasilita stersebut, sehingga berdampak pada terjadinya kesenjangan antar daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan. Keywords: How is the Regional Development Strategy of Mandailing Regency