The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Old School Hope (HLS) partially and simultaneously on Education in Mandailing Natal Regency. The approach method used in this study is a quantitative approach using secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Mandailing Natal Regency. The population and sample of this research are human development index data, Long School Expectations (HLS), and education in Mandailing Natal Regency from 2010 to 2019. The data collection technique used is documentation technique so that no sampling and questionnaire techniques are needed. The data analysis tools of this research are multiple linear regression, partial test, simultaneous test, and coefficient of determination test.From the results of data analysis, it was found that the Human Development Index (IPM) and School Year Expectations (HLS) had a negative effect on education in Mandailing Natal Regency. With the respective regression coefficients -0.016 and -0.193. This means that when there is an increase in the Human Development Index (IPM) and Expectations for Old Schools (HLS) by 1%, it will reduce education in Mandailing Natal Regency by 1.6% and 19.3%, respectively. The independent variables of the Human Development Index (IPM) and School Year Expectations (UHLS) together have an effect on the dependent variable of education in Mandailing Natal Regency. The influence of the Human Development Index (IPM) and School Year Expectations (HLS) on education in Mandailing Natal Regency is 784 or 78.4%. While the remaining 21.6% is explained by other variables outside this research model.Keywords: Human Development Index (HDI), Expected Length of School (HLS), Education, Mandailing Natal District