Jurnal Agri Nauli
<p>Jurnal Agri Nauli (JAG) adalah jurnal yang terbit enam bulan sekali, yaitu di bulan Juli dan Desember dengan Nomor ISSN : 3063-2390 (media online). Ruang lingkup jurnal ini diantaranya bidang Agroteknologi, Agribisnis, Peternakan dan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Jurnal Jurnal Agri Nauli (JAG) diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Template Jurnal Agri Nauli dapat di download pada Link berikut : <strong><em>bit.ly/TemplateJurnalPenelitian_JAG</em></strong></p> <p> </p>en-USJurnal Agri NauliKandungan Kimia dan Kemasiran Telur Asin yang Diperam Menggunakan Ekstrak Buah Andaliman (Zanthoxylum Acanthopodium) Kombinasi Buah Kecombrang (Eltingera Elatior)
<p><em>The research aims to determine the effect of the combination of crude extract levels of andaliman fruit (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium) with kecombrang fruit (Eltingera elatior) on the chemical content and level of egg yolk consistency in the salted eggs produced. This research used 36 1-day-old fresh duck eggs obtained from Rizky Farm, andaliman fruit of the sihorbo variety from Batu Nabolon Village, Tapanuli Regency, North and kecombrang fruit from the Padangsidimpuan City Impres Market and ingredients for making egg salting paste (brick powder, ashes, and salt). Meanwhile, the tools used include chopped rice straw and a plastic bucket for curing. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The variables observed included the chemical content of the egg (water content, protein, fat, free fatty acids and peroxide) and the richness of the egg yolk. The results of this research show</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em> </em><em>that the use of an increased combination of crude extract of andaliman fruit with kecombrang fruit in the process of curing salted eggs produces better chemical content and level of egg yolk maturity. The conclusion in this research is that the combination with crude extract of andaliman fruit (CEAF) and crude extract of kecombrang fruit (CEKF) each 75% produces better chemical levels and salted eggs.</em></p> <p> </p>lois candraDoharni Panezakiyah nasution
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agri Nauli
<p><em>Jawarandu goats are goats resulting from a cross between a male Etawa crossbreed goat and a female Kacang goat. The jawarandu goat species is also known as a local livestock icon from Cilacap. For good maintenance, the body weight achieved by jawarandu goats can reach 40 kg. The research aims to determine the proximate content of local concentrate added with Satrbio for Jawarandu goats. The research was carried out at the Alfatti Farm independent farm from January to February 2022 using 20 Jawarandu goats. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 local concentrate treatments and 5 replications. For proximate analysis, each replication was carried out in duplicate to increase the validity of the average results obtained. The results showed that the treatment concentrate showed an increase in proximate value compared to the control concentrate. It was concluded that the concentrate treatment with the addition of starbio affected the proximate composition of the concentrate.</em></p>Muhammad Liansyah NasutionRikardo Silabanzakiyah nasution
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agri Nauli
2024-12-032024-12-03121117Performa Ayam Petelur Isa Brown Yang Diberi Ransum LCPD (Low Crude Protein Diets)
<p>The research aims to see the performance produced by ISA Brown type laying hens which are given low crude protein diets. This research was carried out in a housing unit integrated with an Azolla pond. The research was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 2 treatments, namely R17 (ration with a crude protein content of 17%) and R15 (ration with a crude protein content of 15%), each treatment was repeated 15 times. The variables observed were the performance of laying hens which included weekly and daily ration consumption, egg production and egg weight. Data was collected during 4 weeks of observation and then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the help of the SAS program. The research results showed that the use of low protein rations did not show a significant effect on consumption and weight of eggs produced, but had a significant effect on daily egg production (hen-day). It was concluded that reducing protein to 15% did not show better performance compared to the application of standard rations</p>Khairul SalehDoharni Panezakiyah nasution
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agri Nauli
2024-12-062024-12-06121827Kandungan NDF dan ADF Rumput Gajah Mini (Pannisetum purpureum CV. Mott) di Dataran Tinggi Tor Simarsayang dengan Penggunaan Dosis Pupuk Nitrogen Bervariasi
<p>The research aims to determine the effect of Nitrogen fertilizer dosage on the content of Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) of Mini Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum CV. Mott) planted on the Tor Simarsayang plateau. The research was carried out in January-February at Tor Simarsayang, Faculty of Agriculture, Graha Nusantara University, Padangsidimpuan. The research was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments, namely: 0 kg N/ha (P0) as a control, the second treatment was 100 kg N/ha (P1), the third treatment was 200 kg N/ha (P2), and the fourth treatment was 300 kg N/ha (P3), each treatment was repeated 4 times. The variables observed were the NDF and ADF content of Mini Elephant Grass. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The research results showed that the use of nitrogen fertilizer reduced the NDF and ADF content of elephant grass. It was concluded that applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 300 kg N/ha gave the best results on the NDF and ADF content of Mini Elephant Grass.</p> <p> </p>Widia FransiskaRikardo Silaban Zakiyah Nasution
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agri Nauli
2024-12-062024-12-06122835Pengaruh Jarak Tanam dan Jumlah Ruas Stek Terhadap Performa Rumput Odot (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) Umur 1-4 Minggu
<p>This research aims to determine the growth of odot grass shoots with different planting distances and number of segments in planting. Through this research, it is hoped that odot grass planting will be better and optimal, resulting in maximum growth. The research method used was an experimental method using a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (RALF) which consisted of 2 factors, factor 1: plant spacing (45 cm x 45 cm and 75 cm x 75 cm) and factor 2: number of segments (4 segments and 6 segments). Analysis of variance using the SPSS program and if there are significant differences, continue with the Duncan test. The research was carried out at the Practical Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Graha Nusantara University, Padangsidimpuan.The results of the research can be concluded that the effect of planting distance and number of cutting segments on the growth of odot grass shoots has a significant effect (P<0.05) on the growth of shoot length (Treatment P1, 3rd week), number of shoots (Treatment P4, 3rd and 4th week). ), leaf width (4th week of treatment P4) and leaf length (2nd week of P4 treatment). Treatment P4 (75x75cm + 6 segments) showed significant results (P<0.05) which gave different responses to each treatment and the average parameters of number of shoots, leaf width and leaf length, whereas treatment P1 (45x45cm + 4 segments) showed that the results had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the growth of shoot length.</p>Ali Sabarno SilabanZakiyah NasutionNursanti LaiaDoharni PaneUlfa Nikmatia
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Agri Nauli