Sopan Santun dalam Dunia Kerja Program Edukasi bagi Mahasiswa untuk Memperkuat Karakter dan Etika
The personality and ethics development program has been successfully implemented, as reflected in the systematic and well-planned stages of the activities. The process began with a field analysis to understand the participants' needs, followed by socialization to ensure that all parties were involved and shared a common understanding. The training was conducted interactively and effectively, allowing participants to actively engage in the learning process.
The results of this program indicate a significant improvement in the participants' abilities, particularly in the context of the workplace and industry. Participants now possess a deeper understanding of the importance of professional ethics and personal development, which positively impacts the quality of their interactions in the work environment. The skills acquired not only help them adapt well to the professional world but also enhance their confidence in facing various challenges. Thus, this program provides a sustainable positive impact, preparing participants to enter the workforce with greater readiness and confidence.
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