Jurnal Graha Nusantara 2025-02-22T18:18:35+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal&nbsp; &nbsp;Graha Nusantara ( JGN) adalah jurnal yang terbit enam bulan sekali, yaitu di bulan Juli dan Desember dengan Nomor ISSN : 3064-0458 (media online). Jurnal ini&nbsp; adalah Multi disiplin Ilmu Seperti :&nbsp; Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Pertanian, Sosial Politik, dan Teknik.&nbsp; Jurnal Graha Nusantara (JGN)&nbsp; diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan.&nbsp; Tempalate jurnal Graha Nusantara (JGN) dapat di Dwnload pada link berikut : <em></em></p> Implementasi Human Capital Management Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Manajamen PPPK Di Pemerintah Daerah Kota Padangsidimpuan 2025-02-02T19:11:45+00:00 Yusuf Pathuansyah Rizky Mery Octavianna Abdelina <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of Human Capital Management (HCM) in the Padangsidimpuan City Government to enhance the efficiency of managing government employees through the management of Contract-Based Government Employees (PPPK). Given the bureaucratic reforms and the increasing number of PPPK employees, a strategic approach to human resource management is essential to maximize contributions to organizational performance. Data were collected using a qualitative descriptive research methodology, including document analysis, in-depth interviews, and observations. The study's findings reveal that the application of HCM in PPPK management in Bandung encompasses several key elements: integrated employee welfare, results-based performance evaluation, and skill development. Information technology support, visionary leadership, and data-driven guidelines are crucial components of successful HCM implementation. However, the study also highlights challenges such as financial constraints at the regional level and resistance to change. In conclusion, PPPK can be leveraged to improve public service quality, productivity, and motivation through effective HCM implementation. Continuous training, the optimization of technology-based management systems, and alignment between HCM policies and strategic organizational goals are among the study's recommendations. Other local governments can use these findings as a reference to manage PPPK more effectively..</p> 2025-02-02T19:11:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Graha Nusantara The Enhancing Of Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Peer Teaching At Tenth Grade Of SMAN 1 Muara Batang Gadis 2025-02-05T07:42:53+00:00 Ria Enjelina Simanjuntak Parlindungan Mahrani Robiyatul Adawiyah <p><em>The aim of this research is to know the students’ reading by applied Peer Teaching technique. The number of sample of this research was 32 students by aplied random sampling technique from one class. This research used quantitative research method to know the increasing of students reading before and after applied peer teaching. The instrument of the research were 20 item of multiple choice in written test. Test in multiple choice from in 20 items. Ater collected the data the writer analyzed and get the conclussion as a the result of this research. The result of the research showed that ; first is students pre test of reading is 45 where 7 students passed KKM and 25 students have not passed KKM or 15,62%. Then in Post test cycle one, the students mean score of reading is 69.21 where 18 students passed KKM and 14 Students have not passed. Then in Post test cycle 2 the students mean score is 81.71 where 29 Students passed the KKM and 3 students have not passed. In conclussion, there is a significan increasing of students reading comprehension through peer teaching technique. Then, the hypothesis is accepted</em></p> 2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Hubungan berpikir komputasi fisika terhadap kemandirian belajar siswa SMP Negeri 7 padangsidimpuan kelas VIII Tahun ajaran 2023-2024. 2025-02-06T02:27:57+00:00 Dhony Fauzi Harahap Eni Sumanti Nasution Sri Utami Kholilla Mora Siregar <p>This research aims to determine the relationship between computational physics thinking and the learning independence of students at SMP Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan Class VIII for the 2023-2024 academic year. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether there is a relationship between computational thinking in physics and the learning independence of students at SMP Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan Class VIII for the 2023-2024 academic year.&nbsp; The sample in this research was class VIII students at SMP Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan with a total of 30 students. Hypothesis tests use regression tests. Research results: The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between computational thinking and learning independence. It can be seen that the significant contribution is smaller than 0.05, namely 0.03. And the coefficient of the calculated r value is 0.94 which is categorized as high.</p> 2025-02-05T16:50:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Hubungan sikap terhadap hasil belajar fisika Siswa SMP Negeri 3 padangsidimpuan kelas VII Tahun ajaran 2023-2024 2025-02-05T17:03:39+00:00 Purnama Sari Lubis Eni Sumanti Nasution Sri Utami Kholilla Mora Siregar <p>Research Objective: To determine the relationship between students' attitudes and their physics learning outcomes in the 7th grade at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan during the 2023-2024 academic year. Research Question: Is there a relationship between students' attitudes and their physics learning outcomes in the 7th grade at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan during the 2023-2024 academic year? Sample: The sample used in this study is class VII1, which consists of 30 students. Research Instruments: The instrument used in the research is an essay test. Research Type: Quantitative research. Data Analysis Techniques: Data analysis techniques include normality tests, homogeneity tests, and correlation tests. Research Results: The results of the research show a positive relationship between students' attitudes and their physics learning outcomes in the 7th grade at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. This is demonstrated by a correlation test score of 0.743, indicating a strong relationship. Emotional intelligence accounts for 74.3% of the influence on learning outcomes, while the remaining 25.7% is influenced by other factors<strong>.</strong></p> 2025-02-05T17:03:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Strategi Penerapan Metode Business Model Canvas (BMC) Dalam Pengembangan Usaha Bisnis Kedai Di Kota Padangsidimpuan 2025-02-20T00:28:09+00:00 fakhrurrozi Arsidin Batubara Edison Siregar Imelda Marthauli Pardede Nursalamah <p>The tight competition in the business world increasingly forces business people or entrepreneurs to have a good strategy in running their business in any form of situation. The culinary business, which is part of the successful creative industry subsector in Indonesia, has potential for business actors who run businesses in the culinary sector. The problem that is usually encountered in shop businesses is the lack of customer interest in buying the shop products offered. Kedai Uang Kopi Bandung is a shop that sells various types of coffee. This Padangsidimpuan city shop is located. This research aims to find out how the elements of the canvas business model are implemented in Padangsidimpuan City Coffee Shops. The research method used in this research was carried out qualitatively by studying literature in related journals and books. The results obtained show that the Padangsidimpuan City Coffee Shop business has implemented several marketing strategies that have been adapted to the business model canvas elements which aim to convey the products sold to customers. The Padangsidimpuan City Coffee Shop has made various effective efforts to strengthen relationships with customers, namely by providing new innovations in the food menu, including not only selling various types of coffee, but also interacting more with customers via social media, such as responding to comments and uploading interesting promotional content. Meanwhile, the benefit of using BMC in business development is that you can identify opportunities and risks and understand customer segments</p> 2025-02-20T00:28:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Hubungan Motivasi Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa SMP di Desa Aek Badak Jae Kecamatan Sayur Matinggi Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan 2025-02-22T18:00:43+00:00 Leli Yani Cipto Duwi Priyono Siti Maryam Pane <p><em>This research aims to determine the extent of the relationship between parental motivation and social studies learning outcomes for junior high school students in Aek Badak Jae village, Sayur Matinggi subdistrict, South Tapanuli regency. The population in this study were all junior high school students in Aek Badak Jae Village, Sayur Matinggi District, South Tapanuli Regency, totaling 30 people, 10 women while 20 men. Then, the number of samples that have been determined is taken using the "purposive sampling" technique.</em></p> <p><em>This research uses a quantitative approach to analyze research data using figures obtained from research instruments (research questionnaires). The type of research used is correlational research ("r" Product Moment correlation by Pearson). Based on the results of research conducted on parental motivation, the lowest score was 65 and the highest score was 89 from 25 questions. This calculation obtained an average value of 79.73.</em></p> <p><em>From the data, the lowest score for social studies learning outcomes for junior high school students was 74 and the highest score was 91, while the average score was 82.4. According to the calculations, the calculated correlation coefficient (r_h) = 0.475. These results were then consulted with the table correlation coefficient (r_t) at the 5% confidence stage with n = 30 obtained by the table r_t = 0.361 because r_h is greater than r_t based on the results of the value consultation, then the hypothesis formulated can be accepted or approved, meaning "There is a positive and significant relationship between parental motivation and the social studies learning outcomes of junior high school students in Aek Badak Jae Village, Sayur Matinggi District.&nbsp;South&nbsp;Tapanuli.</em></p> 2025-02-20T07:28:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Kreativitas Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah di SMA Negeri 1 Batang Onang 2025-02-22T18:18:35+00:00 Nella Happy Sari Siregar Insan Fahmi Siregar Cipto Duwi Priyono <p><em>This research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Onang, North Padang Lawas Regency in the 2024 academic year. The informants in this research were history teachers and students of SMA Negeri 1 Batang Onang. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation.The results of the research show that in increasing creativity, History teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Onang use a variety of learning methods, sources and media so that students do not feel bored. In the implementation stage, the teacher tries to attract students' interest by connecting the lesson material with things that are important to students.Teachers need to recognize the characteristics of each student, improve their competence, and receive training to increase their creativity in the learning&nbsp;process</em></p> 2025-02-20T08:40:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Persepssi Siswa Tentang Penggunaan Media Video Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Kelas VIII SMP N 1 Angkola Barat T.A 2024/2025 2025-02-22T18:15:34+00:00 Sandana Pratama Siregar Cipto Duwi Priyono Siti Maryam Pane <p><em>This research aims to determine perceptions regarding the use of video media in class VIII social studies learning at SMP Negeri 1 Angkola Barat. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. This research was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Angkola Barat. The population in this research was class VIII as many as 150 students. The sample for this research was taken with a proportional research sample of 35% from 150 students so that the total sample studied was 58 students, namely 11-12 people were taken from each class VIII. From the results of the research conducted, students' perceptions of the use of media in the social studies learning process at SMP Negeri 1 Angkola Barat were in the good category with a score of 82.07. This means that in general students' perceptions of media use at SMP Negeri 1 Angkola Barat show a good perception. Using learning media well and mastering various media so that the social studies learning process can be carried out well and learning objectives can be achieved. This means that students' perceptions of media use at SMP Negeri 1 Angkola Barat shows that the media used by teachers is in accordance with the function, benefits, objectives and uses of the media itself.</em></p> 2025-02-20T14:24:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara Pengaruh Pemberian Tugas Terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar IPS Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Sayur Matinggi 2025-02-22T18:08:51+00:00 Yeni Wahyuni Pohan Insan Fahmi Siregar Ali Padang Siregar <p><em>This research aims to find out the extent of the relationship between giving assignments and student learning achievement at SMP Negeri 1 Sayur Matinggi. Giving assignments is one of the factors that determines whether a child's learning achievement is high or low. Because basically education takes place in three places, namely: at school, at home and in the community, but it must be accompanied by high motivation. This research uses a descriptive method approach in the form of correlation. Then the instruments used as data collection tools are questionnaires and documents. The population of this research was students from SMP Negeri 1 Sayur Matinggi in 4 classes with a total of 100 students, so the sample size was 50 students. Sampling was carried out using 50% Random Sampling, meaning that each student had the same opportunity to become a sample. The results of the research in the field were based on data that the researcher obtained or saw in documents from SMP Negeri 1 Sayur Matinggi, which were the report cards of students at SMP Negeri 1 Sayur Matinggi, from the 50 students who were respondents in this research; 39 student respondents or 78% had achievements that showed improvement. From the data, it was also obtained that the social studies achievement score for junior high school students was 60 and the highest was 90, while the average score was 73.2. According to the calculations, the calculated correlation coefficient (r_h) = 0.74. These results are then consulted with the correlation coefficient table (r_t) which is classified in the "high" category and r_h is also included in the "high" category based on the results of the consultation of these values, then the hypothesis formulated can be accepted or approved,&nbsp;meaning</em></p> 2025-02-20T15:30:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Graha Nusantara