Implementasi Human Capital Management Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Manajamen PPPK Di Pemerintah Daerah Kota Padangsidimpuan

  • Yusuf Pathuansyah universitas graha nusantara
  • Rizky Mery Octavianna Universitas Graha Nusantara
  • Abdelina Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Human Capital Management, PPPK, Management Effectiveness, Regional Government.


The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of Human Capital Management (HCM) in the Padangsidimpuan City Government to enhance the efficiency of managing government employees through the management of Contract-Based Government Employees (PPPK). Given the bureaucratic reforms and the increasing number of PPPK employees, a strategic approach to human resource management is essential to maximize contributions to organizational performance. Data were collected using a qualitative descriptive research methodology, including document analysis, in-depth interviews, and observations. The study's findings reveal that the application of HCM in PPPK management in Bandung encompasses several key elements: integrated employee welfare, results-based performance evaluation, and skill development. Information technology support, visionary leadership, and data-driven guidelines are crucial components of successful HCM implementation. However, the study also highlights challenges such as financial constraints at the regional level and resistance to change. In conclusion, PPPK can be leveraged to improve public service quality, productivity, and motivation through effective HCM implementation. Continuous training, the optimization of technology-based management systems, and alignment between HCM policies and strategic organizational goals are among the study's recommendations. Other local governments can use these findings as a reference to manage PPPK more effectively..
