Alih dan Campur Kode Dalam Interaksi Sosial Antar Mahasiswa di Kampus Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan

  • Siti Meutia Sari Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: code switching, code mixing, students


Bilingual events can occur anywhere and at any time, namely in the campus environment, in the residential environment and in the market environment. In fact, it was found that various languages were used in the interactions that occurred with each student, this can be caused because in the campus environment there are various various kinds of students who come from various regions in North Sumatra, there are students who come from Padangsidimpuan City, Tapsel, Mandailing and so on. In this case, students often use Angkola, Mandailing and Indonesian when they are on campus. This can lead to the use of language or events of code switching and code mixing when students interact with each other on campus. Nababan (2012:31) states that the concept of code switching includes events when we switch from one language variety to another. Chaer and Agustina (2012:114) explain that code mixing is the use of two or more languages or two variants of a language in a speech community. This research is qualitative research, namely by providing a systematic and accurate description of code switching and mixing in social interactions among students on the Graha Nusantara University Padangsidimpuan campus. we can find that the interactions carried out by students on campus actually involve code switching, this is due to the mastery of more than one language and then the speaker, listener, the presence of a third person, informal conversations used in the campus area. And what causes code mixing to occur is the use of popular terms such as the phrase "when manyabi", the presence of a conversation partner, the presence of a third person and to evoke a sense of humor.
