Karakter Daun Dan Produksi Nira Tanaman Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr) Di Kecamatan Marancar
This study aims to determine the character of the leaves of productive and unproductive to sap production. The method used was survey with purposive sampling, the sampling method chosen carefully so relevant to study the structure, where sampling of plants chosen by the authors according to the specific characteristics and particular characteristics. This research was conducted in the district of South Tapanuli Marancar in September 2016. The results of processing the data obtained two clusters. From the second cluster, cluster 1 has the lowest number of members, which amount to 8 plant samples. While most are cluster 2 with total membership of 12 plant samples. Directions sat average leaf pointing to the left. Of all the parameters, the number of leaflets are the most influence on sap production. The more the number of children leaves will affect the production of the sap of palm plants. Sap production is not only influenced by the leaves, but influenced by other factors such as the level of panicle, stem size, the size of the male flowers, the number of female flowers, climate, slope and altitude.