Respon Broiler Terhadap Penambahan Probiotik EM4 Dalam Air Minum
The aimed of this experiment to determine the effect of addition probiotic EM4 in drinking water to performance and percentage of carcass weight broiler. The research method are experiments using completely randomized design (CRD), consisted 4 treatments R0 (drinking water + 0% probiotic EM4), R1 (drinking water + 5% probiotic EM4), R2 (drinking water + 10% probiotic EM4), R3 (drinking water + 15% probiotic EM4), with 6 replications. The parameters observed in this study were: feed consumption (g/tail), drinking water consumption (ml/tail), weight gain (g/tail), ration conversion and percentage of carcass weight (%).The results showed that the addition of probiotics EM4 in drinking water up to 15% gave no significant effect (P>0.05) on feed consumption, weight gain, ration conversion and percentage of carcass weight. Based on the calculation of the total feed consumption of broiler during the experiment ranged from 2561.54 g/tail up to 2587.63 g/tail, the body weight gain during the experiment ranged from 927.33 g/tail up to 966.50 g/tail, the ration conversion during the experiment ranged from 2.61 up to 2.81 and the percentage of carcass weight obtained ranged from 63.03% up to 65.59%. While the addition of probiotics EM4 in drinking water up to 15% gave a significantly different effect (P<0.01) on drinking water consumption of broiler. The highest drinking water consumption are on treatment R0 (drinking water + 0% probiotic EM4) ie equal to 3355.38 ml/tail and the lowest drinking water consumption are on treatment R3 (drinking water + 15% probiotic EM4) ie equal to 3062.38 ml/tail.