Sosialisasi Peningkatan Pendapatan Ibu Rumah Tangga Melalui Produksi Telur Asin Di Desa Aek Bayur Padangsidimpuan Batunadua
Women play an important role as housewives with different types of jobs such as housekeeping, cooking, washing, caring and educating children. In line with technological developments in the agricultural sector, women need to improve their knowledge and skills to benefit as much as possible from all kinds of resources in the form of natural resources and human resources. This devotional activity begins with a focus group discussion (FGD) system approach, counseling, piloting and direct application to community groups of housewives. Given the large amounts of the ash, salt and garlic powder will affect the duration of good salt egg storage for about 10-30 days. Then the desired salty taste can be applied properly. Skills of the community, especially housewives can be an alternative to the addition of household income.