Identifikasi Endoparasit Nematoda pada Feses Ayam Broiler Di Peternakan Submitra Indojaya Agrinusa Desa Pudun Jae

  • Rikardo Silaban Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: broiler’s excreta, identification, nemathoda


This study aimed to investigate the subsistence of nemathoda endoparasitics in broiler’s excreta at several growth phases and to identify the predicted nemathoda in excreta. Research held at laboratory faculty of agriculture, University of Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan which is started from June 2016 to August 2016. The research used two methods; native method and floating with centrifugation method. Parameters measured were species of endoparasitic, prevalence of nemathoda endoparasitic, and the number of species presented. The results show that 4 genus of nemathoda found in broiler’s excreta;  Ascaridia sp., Heterakis sp., Strongyloides sp., and Pelodera sp. Percentage of prevalence in excreta of broiler at Submitra Indojaya Agrinusa Farm from starter to finisher phase is arround 25,00% to 28.33%. The frequency of several species at starter phase is Ascaridia galli (53%), Heterakis gallinarum (21%), Strongyloides ransomi (20%), and Pelodera rhabditis (6%), at grower phase is Ascaridia galli (43%), Strongyloides ransomi (41%), Heterakis gallinarum (12%), and Pelodera rhabditis (4%), and  at finisher phase is Strongyloides ransomi (53%), Ascaridia galli (22%), and Pelodera rhabditis (22%). It concluded that larva and nemathoda’s egg were found on identification process and species found was a pathogenic group.
