Perbandingan Keuntungan Antara Usaha Peternak Plasma Dan Mandiri Pada Peternakan Ayam Broiler Di Kota Padang

  • Rahmaini Pakpahan Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan
Keywords: Broiler Farm, Plasma and Independent Farmer


The research was conducted to determine the comparative advantage between broiler farm managed by plasma farmers and independent farmers in the Padang  city in terms of economical aspect which consist of cost of production and reception as well as profits. Research was methode survey to get kuantitive date by primary and second. For to  run imagination this work, to do survey of plasma farmer (Center of Company) and independent  farmer in Kuranji and Koto Tangah Padang city, it has 1000 broiler. The variable is farmer, procuction  cost, benefit cost, salary and insentif. The result was independent farmer Rp. 3 763 981.36/period more than independent farmer Rp. 329 819.98/period. Make the wish as information and imagination for broiler farmer in Padang city.

Jurnal Grahatani Volume 3 Nomor 1, Januari 2017