Respon Broiler Terhadap Teknik Pertumbuhan Kompensasi: Pemberian Serbuk Gergaji Diikuti Pemberian Silase Ikan Asin Daun Pepaya pada Periode Realimentasi
The experiment was conducted to apply a compensatory growth technique : using 25% sawdust in 2-4 weeks of age of broiler diets followed by feeding various levels of salted fish-papaya leaf silage to replace the commercial finisher diet in finishing periode. Two hundred Day Old Chicken (DOC) Ross strain were distributed in to five treatment groups. Each treatment consisted of four replicates with ten broilers. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design. The diets used in this experiment were : commercial broiler starter diet and commercial broiler starter diet mixed with 25% sawdust were fed to the chicks of 0-2 weeks of age and 2-4 weeks of age respectively. The treatment diets fed to the chicks of 4-6 weeks of age were based on the usage of salted fish-papaya leaf silage in the diet : 0% (P1), 10% (P2), 20% (P3), 30% (P4) and 40% (P5). The results showed that utilization of salted fish-papaya leaf silage at realimentation periode significantly (P<0.05) increased the feed comsumption, protein intake, metabolism energy intake and feed conversion, but it decreased protein utilization efficiency, energy utilization efficiency, weight gain, final body weight and excreted coefficient. The mortality of chickens in this experiment was 14.08%. The usage 10% of salted fish-papaya leaf silage gave the best performance.