Pengaruh Jenis Wadah Simpan terhadap Viabilitas dan Pertumbuhan Benih Kakao ( Theobroma Cacao L.)

  • Sri winaty Harahap Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Various Containers, Viability, Cocoa Seeds


This study aims to determine the effect of storage container types that have a positive effect on the viability and growth of cocoa seedlings (Theobroma cacao L.). This research was carried out in the laboratory of the faculty of agriculture, Padangsidimpuan Graha Nusantara University located in Tor Simarsayang with a altitude of  ± 480 m above sea level, which began in April to May 2018. The method used was a non factorial complete randomized design with treatment as follows: T1 (Aluminum Foil), T2 (plastic bag), T3 (polybag). Observation parameters observed were percentage of germination power (%), plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), and root length (cm). The results showed that storage of cocoa seeds in aluminum foil (T1) storage media containers showed significant differences and the best influence on cocoa seed viability and growth, seen from all parameters measured and observed that T1 (aluminum foil) treatment obtained a percentage of germination (viabilatas) of 96.29% and an average growth of plant height of 18.07 cm, average the average root length is 10.15 cm, and the average number of leaves is 4.02 strands. This shows that T1 treatment (aluminum foil) has a size that is greater viability and better growth compared to the treatment of plastic bags (T2) and polybags (T3)
