Respon Kandungan Unsur Hara Nitrogen dan Kalium Daun Terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Amonium Sulfat dan Kalium Klorida Pada Tanaman Salak (Salacca sumatrana Becc.)

  • Rasmita Adelina Universitas Graha Nusantara


The Sidimpuan zalacca cultivation technique (Salacca sumatrana Becc.) Needs to
be improved in an effort to increase the production of zalacca which has been decreasing
so far. Optimal production of zalacca Sidimpuan can be achieved if the factors that
support the growth and development of both internal and external plants are available to
plants. There were two essential nutrients which greatly determine the growth and
development of plants, namely nitrogen and potassium. Application of ammonium
sulphate and potassium chloride (KCl) fertilization is one of the efforts to improve the
Sidimpuan zalacca cultivation technique so that the production increase can be achieved.
This study aims to compare the nitrogen and potassium content of leaves of the
Sidimpuan zalacca before and after fertilization. This research has been carried out in
the salak plantations in the Palopat Village of Maria Padangsidimpuan Hutaimbaru
District, Padangsidimpuan City, with altitude of ± 450 m above sea level. This research
began in November 2017 until July 2018. The research method used is survey and
experimental methods with purposive sampling technique in determining sample plants.
The number of plants sampled 60 plants. Data processing results of analysis of nitrogen
and potassium leaves in the laboratory were carried out using the Independent Test t-test
sample. Based on the results of this study it has been obtained that the comparison of the
nutrient content of leaf nitrogen before and after the first fertilization is not significantly
different. After fertilizing the second content of leaf nitrogen nutrient before and after
fertilization is significantly different. Comparison of nutrient content of leaf potassium
before and after the first and second fertilization is significantly different

Jurnal Grahatani 2019