Pengaruh Jumlah Bibit Dan Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa

  • Sri winaty Harahap Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Organic compost, rice, seed


This research aims to investigate the influence number of seeds and several types oforganic fertilizer to growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Research was held on Goti’s village Sub-district of East Padangsidimpuan, city of Padangsidimpuan that began in May 2016 to August 2016.Method of research was Random Design Group (RDG) Factorial with 2 treatments and 36 replicants’ combination. Group of planting consist of:  B1 (1 seed/planting hole), B2 (2 seeds/planting hole), B3 (3 seeds/planting hole) and group of compost consist of: P1 (paitan), P2 (cocoa copra), and P3 (manure). Results showed thattreatment gave a significant effect on  plant’s heigh and number of sapling. Treatment of B3 was the most influence on plant’s heigh and number of sapling, then treatment of B1 was the most influence on  yield. Treatment of giving several organic compost showed a significant effect to plant’s heigh on week 3, number of sapling on week 1,3, and 5, wet paddy weigh per plot and dried paddy weigh per 1000 of seeds. Treatment of P1 has the highest influence on plant’s heigh and number of panicles. Treatment of P3 was the most influence on number of saplings, dried grain per unit, wet paddy per plot, dried grain weigh per 1000 of seeds. Interaction gives impact  with no significant to all parameters
