• Parlindungan Universitas Graha Nusantara
Keywords: Anagram Activity, Vocabulary


This research is carried out In order to know how far the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery taught by using  anagram activity is. The writers only takes two classes as the sample of this research. It consists of 72 students. For getting the needed data, the writers applies the library and field research. The library research is applied based on the needs of the books as the sources of theories and informations, and the field research is applied based on the need of data from the field, in this case from the SMP Negeri  3 Padangsidimpuan. And as the instrument for collecting the data the writers uses the written test. After getting the data, the next step which is done by the writers is analyzing it by using the statistical analysis.  In the pre - test, the mean score of students on vocabulary test before using CAR and applying anagram activity in teaching vocabulary is 57.08. This mean score is viewed low because the minimal standard-mean score that the teacher declared is 75 (seventy five). So, mean score 57.08 is assumed as the uncapable score category. Afterwards, to compare whether CAR succeed or not, it was done post-test that is carried out after implementing CAR for each cycle. The result of mean score in the post-test cycle 1 is 72.50. This is assumed as capable category score that the students got because they could pass the minimal standard score that the teacher declared. It can be said that the students’ mean score from the pre-test to post-test improved. The  improvement percentage is 27.01 %. However, from this percentage, the CAR has been failed. Because the criterion of the action success is 30%. Furthermore, the mean score of post-test 2 is 81.46. It can be said that the students showed their best achievement. They proved the good improvement for each cycle. The percentage of mean score improvement between pre-test and posttest 2 is 42.70%. From that percentage, it can be concluded that the CAR is success because the percentage of students’ mean score of post-test 2 could pass the criterion of CAR success, 30%. So, the cycle of CAR is stopped. It means, “There is a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery taught by using anagram activity”, so the hypothesis of this research is accepted
