The Analysis of process in Short story of Cinderella : a study of Sfl Theory
This study analysis the use of process based on SFL (Systemic Functional Language) of Hallydas’ theory on Ciderellas’ Story. The study is qualitative research method by descriptive design. The data is the written text of Cinderella’ s story in story book. The analysis of te data by using Mile and Huberman’s theory of Trustworthiness by applied three steps to analyzing such as data reduction, data display then data verification and conclusion. The findings show that there are material process, mental process, behavioral process, relational process, verbal process and existential process. The percentage is Material process 85 times or 25,7%, Mental process is about 130 times or 39,3% , Relational process is about 36 times or 10,9%, Behavioral process is about 43 times or 13,0%,verbal process is 25 times or 7,5%, and Existential process is 18 times or 5,4%. Then, The most types of process was mental process and behavioral process.