One of the indicators for someone who is mastering a language is having adequate vocabulary. The limited vocabulary causes the difficulty in capturing intentions and ideas while listening, understanding reading text, saying something and uttering thought and idea in mind. The implementation of electronic flashcard was supposed to be able to expand students’ vocabulary due to it excites visual and photographic memory. This classroom action research was performed to increase the seventh grade students’ vocabulary mastery through flashcard at SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan. This research was accomplished in two stages collaborated with an English teacher. The collection data was gained from observation, interview, pre test and post test. The result of this study proved that the application of electronic flashcard media can improve the mastery of students’ vocabulary. It could be seen from enhancement of vocabulary test mean score and the total number of students who got score equal or higher than standard of minimum completeness (KKM) which was 70. the mean of pre-test score in the experimental class was 47.2 while the mean of post-test score in experimental class was 82.0. It can be concluded that the students’ who are taught by using digital flashcards as teaching media are better than students who are taught by using conventional media. The significance of the test is 0.000 which is lower than the significance level that is 0.05 with 5% of degree. Moreover, it is also found that the students’ score is improving especially for the students