• Diana Sari Haharap
Keywords: Satisfaction Services, Care Factor, PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is correlation between service consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy for customer service satisfaction and to determine the most dominant variables have a relationship with the customer service satisfaction at PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk. This type of research is quantitative research The method used was survey method. Data collection technique used is the research field (Field Research) and research library (Library Research). The population in this study are customers of PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk amounted to 58 598 customers a population (N) amounting to 58 598 people and the margin of error (e) by 10%, then the sample size used was 100 customers. The statistical analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis using the SPSS version 17.

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, then obtained some conclusions that variable reliability and responsiveness has a positive relationship and significant impact on customer service satisfaction. This is evidenced by the results of the t test conducted which gained tcount of 7.125 for the variable reliability and value thitung 3.224 for the variable responsiveness are both larger than ttable value that is equal to 1.985. Variable assurance and empathy do not have a positive relationship and no significant effect on customer service satisfaction. This is evidenced by the acquisition tcount of these two variables is 1,483 and 0,495 smaller than ttable value that is equal to 1.985.

From the results of tests conducted regersi obtained that reliability variable most dominant relationship against the perceived customer service satisfaction with variable coefficients obtained at 0.647. Based on F test can be inferred variable reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a significant relationship to the customer service satisfaction. The coefficient of determination obtained for 0.590, meaning that the variable reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are able to explain 59% customer service satisfaction, while the balance of 41% customer service satisfaction is explained by other factors beyond the service factor.
