• Wafiyah Diniyah Daulay STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan
  • Mancar STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan
  • Sutan Botung Hasibuan STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan
Keywords: Implications, Character Education, Civics and MIN Sibuhuan


The purpose of this research is to determine (1) the planning of character education learning in class IV Civics Subjects at MIN Sibuhuan, (2) the implementation of character education learning in class IV Civics Subjects at MIN Sibuhuan and (3) evaluation of the implementation of character education learning in Mata Class IV Civics lessons at MIN Sibuhuan. The type of research used in this research is field research with a descriptive approach. Descriptive research is research which is a problem solving procedure that is investigated by describing or depicting the current state of the subject or research object based on visible facts. The subjects and objects of research as data sources in this research were used as samples in this research, namely class IV Civics teachers, class IV MIN Sibuhuan students and documentation.The results of this research show that (1) Planning for character education learning in the Civics Class IV subject at MIN Sibuhuan shows that the planning that the teacher prepares is carried out by elaborating attitudinal values ​​in learning, including national character values ​​in the syllabus and lesson plans, include values ​​that are appropriate to the material taken from the characters in the national character into the syllabus and lesson plans, include moral values ​​in learning planning. The characters that have appeared in the plans that the teacher has drawn up are religious, nationalist, united, tolerant, independent, caring, self-confident and responsible. (2) The implementation of character education learning in class IV Civics subjects at MIN Sibuhuan shows that in implementing the learning the teacher has instilled character values ​​well. The teacher invites students to discuss in groups, gives good examples, and advises students using the lecture method to instill character education in students. However, it is unfortunate that teachers do not use learning media that can support student character development. The characters that have been implemented are religious, disciplined, self-confident, caring, responsible, cooperative, tolerant, united and nationalist. (3) Evaluation of the implementation of character education learning in class IV Civics subjects at MIN Sibuhuan shows that in teacher evaluations use non-test assessments such as observation, interviews and self-evaluation.
